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Showing posts from April, 2023

Helena, Michael, and the Divorce

Black Swan Green ends with the divorce of Jason's parents and his impending move to Cheltenham. Although Jason remains oblivious to the problems in their marriage for a long time, the cracks in their relationship begin to show as early as the first chapter. Despite their argument about both redoing the kitchen and getting a rockery in the backyard (both things that Helena wants, but Michael is against), both of those things end up happening. Even after Helena and Michael clash over her job offer, Helena still 'wins' in the end and ends up working in Cheltenham. These arguments show the beginning of the separation between Helena and Michael, as well as Helena's growing independence, which is what allows her to get the divorce in the first place.  The first indication that all is not as it seems between Helena and Michael is during the first chapter, where Jason is so focused on explaining why he went into his father's office to notice the tension between his parents....