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Showing posts from October, 2022

Is the Heroine's Journey a Good Way to Analyze Narratives?

The Heroine's Journey template is not a useful tool for analyzing narratives, because it was written for therapy, instead of as a way to understand the journey of a character in a story as in Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey template.  The idea of the Heroine's Journey originated in 1990, with the publication of the book The Heroine's Journey: Woman's Quest for Wholeness Maureen Murdock as a self-help guide for women and therapists (Wikipedia). This meant that it was written with the intention of helping women go through a spiritual journey, rather than as a template for reading or writing narratives.  Despite this, it is still used as a means of reading stories. Perhaps the most egregious problem with using the Heroine's Journey (and the Hero's Journey to some extent) to analyze literature is that it flattens the unique and multifaceted aspects of the stories to fit with the steps of the template. The template of the Heroine's Journey rests on the a...